Sadly Terry Mullen died at the end of July. He had a commanding view of London from his big white house at the top of Hillfield Park with the interesting name MELROSE. He was a Muswell Hillian for 50 years or more and was known to all of us on the slope as one of Hillfield Park’s great characters. The photograph was taken five years ago, at some spontaneous celebrations at which Terry (middle of the back row) was doing better than most of us at staying upright (or was it just the slope of the hill?).
In his early business life he had a shop/boutique in Carnaby St where he sold all manner of imported goods and special editions of the Evening News with the customer’s name in the headlines. He was a card, a ladies’ man, a friend of all the famous. He set up home in Melrose in the late fifties/early sixties before the Athenaeum was pulled down to make way for Sainsburys. What a splendid building that was, an Edwardian gentleman’s club where the Muswell Hill Parliament once met. In the 50s it became Muswell Hill’s only dance hall and that was where Terry went jiving every Saturday night (before Rock n Roll was invented, if you can think back that far).
He was a great traveller, who had business interests all over the world, with a particular focus on Portugal which he visited whenever he could. But Hillfield Park was his real home and he was a wonderful neighbour and a good friend. He always supported our Neighbourhood Watch and our Street Parties and was delighted that his house should be chosen for Vivian Stanshall’s blue plaque. So Farewell, Terry, and thanks for all those years of bonhomie and innocent entertainment. May you rest in peace. PT
Yes, it's coming round again: a GROWN AT HOME competition at our Street Party on 22 June which is the final day of Sustainability Fortnight. So start growing something now - from rhubarb to radishes - and it may win a prize!
As you will have noted, from our recent Newsletter and earlier messages, members of our Neighbourhood Watch have been engaged in a dialogue with with Safer Neighbourhood Police about the need for patrols after dark to check on behaviour in and around the Broadway pubs and clubs. We have been successful in getting the police to do late night shifts at most weekends.
However, the antisocial behaviour has escalated to fights, stabbings and the wrecking of cars and there has been an outcry from other Neighbourhood Watches in the area, particularly residents in Dukes Avenue.
Chief Insepctor Shaun De Souza Brady is therefore holding a public meeting to discuss what needs to be done. It is at 7.30 on Tuesday 15 April at the Birchwood Centre (the Church Hall on the left in Fortis Green Road just before the lights).
Our own beat officers (PCs Allan Greig and Paul Lancaster) have been on late night duties near the Roundabout recently and made a few arrests. They are quite happy to do late night/early morning shifts and believe that it is necessary.
A good attendance at the meeting would show that we treat the matter seriously which might in turn unlock resources to pay for late night duties.
So please come if you can.
Peter Thompson No 9 [At our General Meeting in September we agreed that we would put together a Sustainability Action Plan for Hillfield Park, including a campaign to rid Muswell Hill of unnecessary and non-degradable plastic. The next newsletter will include other elements in our proposed Action Plan. Meanwhile here is the first instalment: an irresistible Christmas present for the shopper in the family
I have a small stock. It is going down fast but I can have some more made so long as jute supplies last. They are sooooo environmentally friendly and I’m selling them for only £7. Hurry and place your order by return of email. Peter
It’s all happening at the Street Party. At 2pm bring something you have grown in your garden, window box, bathroom, sitting room or kitchen to the GROWN AT HOME stand and it may win a prize (A cactus was the overall winner in 2004: see picture, below)
Mark and Marissa from No 11 will be receiving competition entries from 2pm. Balan and Elizabeth Sisupalan from No 34 will be checking that voting is in accordance with the rules of the Electoral Reform Society and Lynne Featherstone MP will award the prizes at 5pm
Councillor Brian Haley (Responsible for granting O’Neills a late night licence, Boo!) is trying to redeem himself by the introduction of Pay and Display on the Broadway from 18 June 2007. The tariff starts at 20p for 20 minutes rising to £2.50 for 2 hours.
Public opinion on P&D is divided (apparently 2% for and 98% against). But there has been no consultation on a much more important question: Do they intend to Abolish Hanging. Currently this is the Broadway’s biggest attraction at peak shopping time and enormously good for the retail trade as motorised visitors to Muswell Hill get what they deserve. So write to your Councillors and insist that Non-compliant parking must remain a Capital Offence.
Your Councillors | |
Councillor Gail Engert (LibDem) | |
Councillor Jonathan Bloch (LibDem) | |
Councillor Sheila Rainger (LibDem) | |